Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Hello darlings,

Boy do we have a big day ahead of us today?! Today is Kate's next audition for the X Factor and I am SO EXCITED. I have seen her do her songs and she is completely fabulous and if the judges don't put her through they have literally lost it - we will keep you updated!

On Sunday, as mentioned we attempted to get a stall camberwell and succeeded! You must be thinking ' yay! How great for them!'. Well you are wrong. What started off as a day, we arrived at 6am and it was 21 degrees we were wearing t-shirts and happily wandering around in the dark while we waited to hear whether there was a stall available to us. When we arrived to put our name down at 6am there were already about 20 names on the page so in the end we probably wouldn't have ended up with one if it weren't for a lovely girl who came up and offered us her stall space as she had hired two and only needed one. I wish we had said no and gone home to bed.

Multiple car loads of furniture, candles, cards, lamps and calendars later we were set up.


The temperature dropped more then 10 degrees and it threatened to rain the entire morning. People were more interested in the jar of USED makeup in our neighbouring stall then our furntiure and candles. Luckily we made the cost of the stall back and made enough profit to cover one of our breakfasts from the morning.... We love camberwell but we won't be back there to have our own stall. Lesson learned. I could have written a post about how fabulous it was and what a great experience it was... but I just thought I would be honest. 

I'll leave you with this photo of us with about one hour of selling time to go. 

Han x 

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